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Generate Traffic To your Website

There are a many GREAT ways to get qualified prospects to visit your site. If you rely only on search engines you will be missing out on a large number of potential customers.

Increase your exposure!!! - Multiple streams of traffic
As a general rule try to get your site listed is as many different places and different ways as possible. You want to have multiple streams of traffic coming to your site from many different sources. This greatly increases the number of potential customers that will have access to your products and services. The more places on the Internet that link to your site the better. If you are only listed in search engines you will be missing out on all of these great opportunities.

Get Premium Listings

Reach Up to 85% of Internet Users
Over the past year, we delivered one billion targeted leads to Web sites. Yahoo Search Marketing, the leader in Pay-For-Performance? search has redefined how businesses market online, distributing search listings to sites like America Online, AltaVista and Lycos. With one buy, Yahoo Search Marketing lists your site on the best portals and search engines, and you pay only for targeted leads. This translates into a high return on your advertising investment. Sign up now and we'll give you a credit toward your Overture account. Advertise your site with Overture!

Web Directories

Yahoo Yahoo
Yahoo is the most popular of the web directories. Getting a listing in Yahoo is a must for any web site. Yahoo is difficult to get into because they are very selective in the sites that they choose for their directory.

DMOZ Open Directory Project
The Open Directory Project or DMOZ is used by many of the top search engines such as Netscape, AOL, Altavista, Lycos, and 100's more as the directory component of their sites.

About is managed by a "guide" who manages and maintains categories of the index.

Traffic Generators

Topic Directories/Sites
A topic directory is a site that specializes in providing information about a specific topic, industry or type of business. Search the web for sites or directories that are associated with your type of business or organization. Contact the web master for each of these sites, and try to get your site listed. The benefit of getting a link on these sites is targeted traffic. Anyone visiting these sites is most likely interested in your products or services.

Link Trading
With link trading you make an agreement with the owner of another site to add reciprocal links to each others web sites. You place a link on your site to theirs, and they place a link to your site in exchange. This benefits both of our sites by providing additional traffic. To get started make a list of sites that you would like to have linking to yours. These sites can include business associates, partners, or other sites that you find on the Internet by searching for sites that are related to yours. Contact each of the site owners/web masters and propose the idea of exchanging links. Once they agree all you have to do is place a link on your site to theirs. The link can either be text, or a banner that they supply.

Banner Exchanges
With banner exchanges you agree to show banners for other sites on your site in exchange for your banner being show on other sites in the banner network. For each banner that you show on your site, your banner will be displayed on other sites. The banner exchanges provide a way for you to get banners promoting your site displayed on the Internet for free.

Web Rings
Web rings are another method of generating qualified traffic to your site. A web ring is a group of related sites that have banded together in a community. Each site is a link in the ring linking to the next site in the ring. To find a web ring that applies to you, go to, and search for web rings.

Affiliate Programs
One good way to drive quality traffic to your website is to use an affiliate program. You pay affiliates a commission for bringing traffic to your site. You can choose to pay a commission only when a sale is made (usually the best way to set one up) or for clicks to your site.

 Domain Names 
 Website Guide 
  1. Website Plan
  2. Web Content
  3. Credibility
  4. Readability
  5. Navigation
  6. Consistancy
  7. Web Design
  8. Speed

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